Friday, June 6, 2008

why India is opposed to WTO

Why India feels the WTO recommendations are a stymie to its growth

1. The developed countries esp. US want more access to the markets of developing countries like India. India feels this will threated the local farmers and lower competitive prices will take away their livelihood.

2. US wants to give limited access to the developing countries to its markets. It proposes that in case of a) increased supply and b) falling prices of goods - it can levy import duty on the foreign goods which will be higher than the maximum duty permitted by WTO!!

3. US also wants more leeway on NAMA (non-agri market access). Non Agri products compose more than 85% of products under WTO. Having more access to the non agri market in developing countries is also detrimental to Indian manufacturers

4. US and developed countries also want infusion of RE-MANUFACTURED goods in developing countries. Bringing these low cost second hand machines, goods can erode the indian local market..

"these are highly protectionist moves which are against the market forces", India.

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